There are many different types of contraception to choose from. Intrauterine devices, also known IUDS, are a great contraceptive option for women looking for long-lasting birth control.

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Types of Contraception
We offer one type of copper IUD, called Paragard, and it is the non-hormonal birth control option.
Paragard has been around for more than 30 years. Once inserted, it provides continuous pregnancy protection for up to 10 years.
Paragard is a soft, flexible plastic T shape that is wrapped in a thin layer of copper and has two thin threads that hang from the bottom but do not extend outside of the body.
You will likely continue to have a monthly menstrual cycle with the copper IUD. At first, your period may become heavier with increased spotting between cycles, but this should decrease over time.
Paragard can be removed at any time after insertion. If you’d like to become pregnant, most women are able to get pregnant within the first year of the IUD being removed. If you do not wish to become pregnant after having your IUD removed, it is recommended that you use other forms of birth control.
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