Comparación de precios
To receive a complete i693 form, you need to have the following.
Please make sure to get the price for each item below.
You need to have the following:
- Prueba de sífilis
- Prueba de gonorrea
- Prueba de la tuberculosis (TB Gold)
- Vacuna antitetánica (Because you do not have your records or the last time you received it was over 10 years ago)
- Títulos contra el sarampión, las paperas y la rubéola (SPR) (Because your vaccination or titers are older than 1 year.)
- Títulos de varicela (Because your vaccination or titers are older than 1 year.)
- Títulos de hepatitis B (Because your vaccination or titers are older than 1 year.)
Give Us A Call
After you speak with another office, give us a call 347-201-0888
Completed over 1000 forms for immigration!

Ann Chen
Went there for my green card medical exam and I highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a reliable and honest place to get their I-693 form completed. One of their administrative staff, Alex was especially helpful and was very responsive through their live chat feature on their website. He was very transparent with what I needed to get in terms of lab work and vaccinations prior to appointment so that I wouldn’t need to pay out of pocket there, and it ended up saving me so much money. Dr. Akselrud (the civil surgeon) was also really nice and gave me my paperwork day of….

Iren Hetman
Estoy muy contento de haber elegido esta clínica para mi examen médico para la tarjeta verde. Tenía miedo de mi no perfecto Inglés y que no puedo entender todo correctamente, pero todas las enfermeras y el médico era muy paciente y atento. Todos los procedimientos se hicieron muy profesional y rápido.

Ksenia K
I went to Great City Medical for an immigration medical exam. Very friendly staff! The lady who worked with me was so sweet, explained everything and answered all my questions. I spent 15 min in my first visit there (blood work and fill out forms).
Bring your immunization records to avoid extra charges for vaccine shots.
UPD: I received I-693 in a sealed envelope as well as a copy of I-693. The whole process was smooth and straightforward.
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